Traveling Dog Lady: 52 Snapshots of Life; Week 37: Labor

Sunday, September 13, 2015

52 Snapshots of Life; Week 37: Labor

I have terrible bathroom countertops, and not a lot of dough to replace them, and not a lot of time or patience.  I also am a little inept at DIY-type stuff, and am certainly do not have an artsy-craftsy bone in my body!  What a conundrum.  Having to constantly rely on others to get things like this done can often be disconcerting -- or, quite simply, a pain in the... !

A couple weeks ago, I saw a video online where a young woman did a tutorial on how to put contact paper on a kitchen countertop.   It looked like something even I could handle, and inexpensive, and it couldn't be worse than the 1972 countertops I have in place already.  Sure, it probably won't stand up to water for more than a few months, but it's only me here, and I'm not sitting here pouring water onto the counters or anything like that.  If worst comes to worst, just do it again -- I still have a whole roll of the stuff left over!

So, I gave it a try.  If I do say so myself, I think they came out pretty good!!  Each one took less than a half hour!

The fruits of my labor:




52 Snapshots of Life is a themed photo challenge hosted by our friends at The Lazy Pit Bull.   This week's topic is LABOR.


  1. Whoops!! Something went wrong when I joined the Blog Hop this week!! no photo!!!

  2. That looks great from here! I'm fortunate to be married to a man who not only is handy, but a perfectionist. His motto is "If there's a how-to library book, I can do it". Yes, he learned to re-roof our house and install skylights once by checking out library books. (Electricity is the exception - only professionals for that). DIY is fun and you sure do learn a lot.

    1. I don't know why I'm just seeing a bunch of comments on here today! I never replied, sorry. You are so lucky to have a handy guy!! I always have to ask someone else to do everything, and it costs $$$ just about every time! Lots of talented friends who help, but I always pay them. I wish I had learned how to do more. I did pretty good with the countertops, though!


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