What a day! First off, it's Veterans Day, and everyone knows I'm just a little bit proud and grateful of the various Mueller family members who served our great country, especially the Greatest Generation guys like my dad. To those serving right now-- Thank you for your service! Here's a nice little collage my colleague and friend, Pat, made
today on our company Facebook page, cool, huh? (That's my handsome father, Sgt. Mueller, in the lead photo.)
Next, DoggyWoof published
my November blog post right on schedule (my posts on DW blog are always published on the 11th of each month, in case anyone would like to mark a calendar!)
The big day finally got here: Charlie Brown and Cooper's second birthday [that's 14 in dog years!] and their reunion birthday party
on the beach in Gloucester, Mass. -- home of the
Gorton's Fisherman.
Now, I have been anticipating and planning (read = worrying) about this day for MONTHS. Ok, probably for a whole year, even though last year's event went off without a hitch and was wonderful. That's me, worry for an entire year... for what reason, exactly? Things again went swimmingly, as I should have know they would, and this has me now vowing to break out of my funk and get Charlie to social situations with other dogs more often. This is ridiculous living in fear all the time and for what? Yesterday, I told a neighbor what I was going to do (bring the dogs to the beach) and said "I hope Charlie doesn't get into any trouble", to which my neighbor replied, "Trouble? He's so friendly, what kind of trouble could he possibly get into?" Of course, my neighbor was right. Nothing happened. Ughhh! So, baby steps for sure, but I'm going to seek out little places I can take Charlie and SOCIALIZE!
We're probably going to have to pay a visit to
Eddie's Wheels soon (how ironic that this manufacturer of mobility carts for disabled dogs is right HERE in Massachusetts!). In hindsight, we probably shouldn't have let Cooper run as much as he did today (could have put him on the leash). We will have to remember that for the future. He did have fun, and seems fine, but (big surprise) I worry.
Now, without further ado: photos from today!
Charlie Brown, his mama Katie in the middle, and sister Tess off in the distance. What a reunion!
I finally met mama Katie! (ok, I just typed "we" .... uh, the boys already know her, LOL!! and yes, I think they remembered each other)
Sister Tess looks so much like Charlie I had to keep looking for the red collar to determine who was who! (Tess wears the red collar)
Can't get enough of lovely Katie :)
Q. Charlie, or Tess? A. Tess! |
Cooper wasn't exactly the most polite guest -- he kept stealing Tess's ball! But it's ok, everyone accommodated his handicap and let him keep lying down (with the ball lol) to rest his weary front leg.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tess is saying, "Gimme back my ball, you, you, you.... typical brother, you!"
Charlie diggin' to China! |
Captive audience! [ Charlie, foster sister Bella on the bottom, mama Katie, and Rico Suave looking on in the background.]
Bella and Katie looked at the camera LOL!
Cooper resting, but won't let go of that ball!
Coop and sister, Tess, running after the ball ! Yeah, we kinda had the whole beach to ourselves WOOO!