Traveling Dog Lady: A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

I'm taking part in the blogosphere's April A to Z Challenge, starting April 1st, of course.

I hesitated about choosing a "theme" but decided a theme will keep me more focused and committed to seeing this through to the end.  Bonus, I can pre-compose some posts and schedule them for days when I'm too busy to actually post.

So, I'm joining this blog-hop-within-a-blog-hop today to reveal my theme.

Big surprise:  it's....  wait for it, wait for it..........

Dog and cat behavior and health!!

Ok, it's a little bit of a stretch for a "theme" since it contains four items:  dogs, cats, behavior and health. I'm not a dog or cat behaviorist, or a veterinarian... I've just had the companionship of many dogs and cats in my lifetime, and thankfully almost all of them have lived well into their senior years.

So, check out my posts during April, if you can.  I greatly appreciate the exposure :)

Me and a litter of kittens, back in the '60s


  1. Great theme! :) I look forward to your A to Z's.
    (remember to turn off your captcha before April 1st.)

    1. Gosh, thanks! I had forgotten I had even done that, so when I read the instructions, I didn't even bother checking. I thought I had it on moderation only. Phew! Good catch. Now taken care of, on both blogs. Thanks again! K2

    2. I like your theme! I have a cat so maybe I'll learn something, like ways to keep her from smacking me in the face all night for food...LOL Good luck with the challenge. This is my first year.

    3. LOL!! Thank you!!! This is my first year, too. I did a similar challenge once before, but topics were assigned each day (not A to Z). This should be fun. Hmmmm.... are you feeding your kitty before bed?

  2. We have both dogs and cats, so I will definitely be back in April!

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations


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