Traveling Dog Lady: 52 Week Snapshot Challenge, Week 4: Dream #52Shapshots #PBSG

Saturday, January 24, 2015

52 Week Snapshot Challenge, Week 4: Dream #52Shapshots #PBSG

Here we are on week number four of 52 Snapshots of Life, a weekly photo challenge hosted by The Lazy Put Bull.  Already?!  Week four!!

This week's photo topic is DREAM and I happened to have noticed this was coming up a couple weeks ago, so I took some photos of Hobie sleeping while I had the chance.  He's so old and hearing-impaired now, that when he sleeps, he is practically comatose.  It can be quite disconcerting, and I find myself checking to be sure he is breathing quite often these days.  He also falls asleep with his eyes open, which is kinda creepy.  Sometimes, I'll find him with his tongue hanging all the way out of his mouth, sound, sound asleep, as if he is on anesthesia, or something.  Ah, I just love the ol' guy. During this photo shoot, he didn't even know I was there, taking pictures of him.  I hope my readers and followers enjoy the photo gallery this week for....


I cut his nails later on that same day!  Horrified!!  lol

Sound asleep, with one eye open.

Bonus pic!!  The pack, sound asleep! 


  1. Dreaming of revenge for that nail clipping!

  2. Great dreaming pics. The pack shot is real good!

    1. Aren't they a riot? That was actually an old picture from 2013 after Hobie had been hospitalized. It was his "homecoming". You can see the shaved portion of his leg where the IV was, and the shaved belly where they did ultrasound. I have SO many pictures of the dogs sleeping, paired, individually, all three... it was hard to choose a "throwback" photo, but I liked that one, too. Thanks for the feedback!! :)

  3. Somebody's about to fall out of bed in that last photo! Our dog is a light sleeper - it's hard to get a picture of him asleep because he wakes up when you turn the camera on. Hobie is a cute one.

  4. He's so sweet. My friend's Golden Retriever is 13 years old and, we think, losing her hearing. When I take care of her, I walk into the front door and then have to walk down a long hallway to the bedroom an into the bedroom where I gently touch her to wake her up. I often wonder what sweet dreams I've interrupted.


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